Today I got to Palas de Rei.
Historically, Palas de Rei was believed to have been a palace of the Visigothic King Witiza in the 8th century, which is reflected in its name, meaning “Palace of the King.”
It was an easy to moderate 18 mile walk. This time with hundreds of other pilgrims.
I came up with a new name for the tourist pilgrims today so we now call them plastic pilgrims. It’s become quite a game with us when we see someone to guess whether they are real pilgrims or plastic pilgrims. It is normally easy to spot due to the brand new hiking boots, clothes , and just the general conversation
One classic today was a wife arguing with her husband that he never told her that there were hills. She was serious.
Not many photographs today as I’m not sure how many churches, crosses and vista you all want to see 😉
I have two 22 mile hikes and then one shorter one left and then I should be in Santiago. The weather is now approaching 80°F, which is so how it’s been for the last week.
Hopefully a better update tomorrow.